Minerals Make It Happen

Virtually everything you see, touch, and use is made possible by the minerals industry.


Registration is open for EMA’s Fall Conference – September 10-12, 2024 in Washington, DC.

Meet the Minerals

Learn About Minerals Essential minerals are the building blocks of our economy and are used in energy production and storage, transportation, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, food, agriculture and ranching, ceramic and glass, and sports and recreation. LEARN MORE
Minerals in Everyday Life Industrial minerals are a fundamental part to our everyday lives. The mining industry supplies the necessary minerals to make modern life work. Yet most people remain unaware of just how commonly minerals are used, down to the simplest pleasures.   LEARN MORE
Why Essential Minerals We use minerals every day in just about every aspect of our lives. From our devices and energy sources, to our homes, to our food, and even our leisure time – read more about how essential minerals are used in our daily lives on EMA’s blog. LEARN MORE

Total Production

Value of production by the metal/non-metal industry



Number of direct and indirect jobs created by the industry



Numbers member companies that mine or process minerals or support the industry

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Minerals at the Olympics: Beyond the Medals

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EMA Statement on Senators Manchin and Barrasso’s Energy Permitting Reform Act of 2024

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EMA Statement on President’s Trump Vice President Choice, J.D. Vance

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